Hotel Accommodations


Mountain Marathon ~ 20 Miler ~ 10 Miler

OCTOBER 19, 2024

Trail Running Escapes operates under permit by Coconino National Forest

Join us this Fall for our one day Sedona spectacular. We've selected the best trails on Sedona's southside and designed a breathtakingly challenging course.

Choose from a Mountain Marathon, 20 Miler or 10 Miler. Something for everyone.

Registration is open at Ultrasignup or you can fill out our "OG" form from the "Register" tab above.

#sayyestonewadventures   #bethebuddha   #rrs

And More...

After you've visited Vendor Village, take the shuttle back to your car and stop by the grassy area of the Collective Sedona for some post race food and beer between 10 AM - 3 PM. Sponsored by Rotten Johnny's & Trail Running Escapes.

Share your stories from the trail, because that's where the magic happens!


Red Rocks of Sedona Trail Race

We support NATRO and Founder Sheldon Subith in sharing his love of trail running with others in his Native American community. To learn more about Sheldon's passion, read an interview from ATRA here.

Our first and only choice for all our social media needs ~ Jason Melvin! See what Jason can do for you with his personalized approach

Weekend Schedule

All registered runners will receive an awesome 

technical Race shirt and commemorative Medal!

​Finish Line festivities!!!!

Grab your medal and head over to the soccor field to visit 

our awesome partners.

Need to replenish?

Visit Performance Recovery to jumpstart your restoration!


Findlay Toyota Flagstaff

Skratch Labs

Natalie's Organic Juices

Performance Recovery

Wild Tonic

Squirrel's Nut Butter

Global Healing

Athletic Brewing

Sedona is located approximately 2 hours from Phoenix. We suggest flying into Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. There are many commercial airlines that fly here and many rental car agencies that service the airport. Groome Transportation services Sedona from Sky Harbor Airport if you are looking for a shared ride. Their shuttle runs multiple times daily.

Sedona, Arizona

Thank you to our amazing Partners!!!

Sedona is a "must see" destination place, so hotel prices tend to be higher. An alternative location, Cottonwood, offers lower priced lodging and is about 45 minutes away from race start . We suggest the Best Western or Verde Valley Inn.

​Rather Camp?

Here is where we suggest:

Dead Horse Ranch
(tent, RV or cabins)


Chavez Crossing Campground
(Group campground)


Rancho Sedona RV Park
(no tent camping)

​Traveling in your Adventure van

or RV?

Sedona offers several location on BLM land to stay for free. Check out: 
Loy Butte Road/Forest Road 525 (closest) or North Bill Gray Road. Both accessible off 89A.

AirBnB is also a great option for friends sharing accommodations or a family who may need more space. Book early, because  October is high season here!

Sedona boasts world-famous red rocks, nearly 2 million acres of Coconino National Forest land, as well as refreshing Oak Creek and the Verde River. As part of the Sedona community, we cherish these spaces and want to care for them so that everyone can enjoy them for generations to come. That is why Trail Running Escapes has partnered with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, and businesses and organizations across the city to protect this magnificent landscape by inspiring visitors and residents to care for our outdoor spaces. In order to protect these treasures, we ask that you practice Sedona’s Leave No Trace principles and make your promise by taking the Sedona Cares Pledge at

This race is a "point to point" and requires a shuttle from the Finish line area (where you will park) to the Start line area. Shuttle passes are available for an additional fee of $12.00. You may be dropped off at the start, if you do not want to take the shuttle. However, your driver will not be allowed to park here.

Be sure to book your post race massage at Sedona Infinity Spa. 

Located in the Collective Sedona where post race festivities will be held and your car is parked. We've made it simple to run, replenish and relax.

 Let their team treat you to a celebratory massage :)

You have two choices to register: you can go to Ultrasignup and register there. Ultrasignup has updated their pricing structure to be transparent. So you will see ALL their fees & taxes before purchase. OR you can click on the Register tab above and fill out our online registration form to avoid Sales tax and Registration fees. 

​In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.  (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.  Additionally, program information is also available in languages other than English.
To file a complaint alleging discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at, or at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provided in the letter all of the information requested in the form.  To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992.  Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (a) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (b) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (c) email:
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Mountain Marathon ~ $150.00

Starts at 7:30 AM

20 Miler ~ $135.00

Starts at 7:45 AM

10 Miler ~ $90.00

Starts at 8:00 AM

Like Volunteering?

We love volunteers :)

Please email us if you'd like to help out on race day:


Have more questions?

Click our Q & A tab above.

How To Register & How To Get Here?

Thursday, October 17th ~

Community Beer Run @ 

Sedona Beer Company/ Basecamp

Hosted by Altra Running

Trail Running Escapes

Run starts at 5 PM.

Join Sedona locals and other race participants for a short run, beer and fun giveaways!!! 

Friday, October 18th ~

Bib Pickup @

​the Hike House from 12 Noon

to 4:30 PM. Followed by our 

"shake out" run and

opening ceremony.

We'll meet at Huckaby Trailhead at 

5PM beginning with a quick run 

hosted by Altra and followed by 

a yoga session with a moment of intention to get you race ready.

Sunset is 5:46 PM.

Saturday, October 19th ~

Shuttles start at 6 AM from the Collective Sedona. Parking will

be around back. More details in your Runner's Guide.

Mountain Marathon starts

at 7:30 AM

20 Miler starts at 7:45 AM

10 Miler starts at 8 AM

Vendor Village will be set up on the soccer field at the Finish line area

from 9 AM - 2:30 PM. 

Please stop by and say hi to our 

awesome partners and grab some cool samples!

Post race festivities will be back 

at the Collective where you parked your car. Rotten Johnny's will be catering some tasty food and local beers. Be sure to stop by and fill up before heading to your car. We've reserved a grassy area to sit and share your stories from the trail! Food and beer are complimentary. Cash bar available inside the Village Chophouse :)

Our Host Hotel is the Arabella!
Located in the heart of Sedona
with one of the "best kept secret"
red rock views. Arabella is only
10.1 miles to the race start.​​​

Use discount code
VUE for 25% off!

​Select "Rate Access/Corporate Code"

in the drop down menu to add a code.  



camps and races in sedona & the santa monica mountains