camps and races in sedona & the santa monica mountains  



There are several options in getting to Mammoth Lakes, California; basecamp for your trail running weekend. We recommend flying into Reno International Airport because it is the closest. 

Reno International Airport is approximately 3.5 hours to Mammoth Lakes. However, Las Vegas International Airport is approximately 5 hours 45 minutes and Los Angeles International Airport is approximately 6 hours 30 minutes. If you do not plan to rent a car, Eastern Sierra Transit provides a shuttle from Reno airport to Mammoth Lakes.  The shuttle only runs once a day-M, T, Th & F. So book your flights accordingly:

Loop 2

Everyday will begin at 8:30 AM from our Host hotel, the Mammoth Mountain Inn. From here, we will shuttle to our start location. Each day we will average 12 miles with options to add on or do less. This camp is set in the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Mammoth Lakes where most trails head up. So bring your rested legs and supplemental oxygen, because the town of Mammoth Lakes is at 7,880' above sea level. These trails are not technically difficult, but challenging. Every runner should be able to run and/or hike 6-10 miles a day. Our support vehicle will be available if you choose not to go long on any day. We offer each day's proposed route along with a shorter version. 
We are typically done each day by 1:00 pm. 

Every runner must carry at least one handheld water bottle or camel back. Water, sports drinks, powders, gels, bars, chomps, salty snacks, sweets, fruit and more will be available before, after and during every run. Our support vehicle is never far for refueling, rehydrating or shedding a layer of clothing. Every runner will be given a trail route map with specific directions. In addition to an overall course description before every run. ​And don't forget the beer cooler ~ Post run refreshments ALWAYS available!

Trail Running Escapes camps are NOT "coaching" camps. Although our runs are hosted by certified running coaches, our camps are not comprised of coaching sessions, nor white boards or plyometric exercises. We offer fun, challenging trail runs in beautiful settings. Trail Running Escapes brings together trail runners from across the nation to share in the love of trail running ~ an "escape" from your regular run! 

Your registration fee includes: Transportation to/from the trailhead; Maps and detailed turn by turn directions for each day's run; Trail guides accompanying you every run day; Refueling and rehydrating support from our support van ~ before, during and after the run and a 20% discount at our Host hotel ~ the Mammoth Mountain Inn. Please see above under "Where To Stay" on how to reserve your discounted lodging rates.

monday ~ Day 4 ~ Rock Creek Trail

mammoth mountain 

Ready to register? Send us an email and we'll send you a registration papers. Once you receive your registration papers, fill them out and return them with your payment of $595. Once we receive your registration forms and payment, we'll email your Welcome Letter and Runner's Guide with all the information you will need for your weekend. Including places to stay, if you choose not to stay at the Mammoth Mountain Inn, transportation options, what to bring and what to expect.


Please make checks payable to:                                 Socalultrarunning

​Mail registration forms and payments to:                 Trail Running Escapes c/o Socalultrarunning 
                                                                                       PO Box 1674

​                                                                                       Agoura Hills, Ca 91376

Loop 1

15.5 Miles ~ 1,945' Elevation Gain

On the east edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, is the mountain town of Mammoth Lakes. It sits amidst sparking mountain scenery, close to granite peaks, pine forests, Alpine lakes and several volcanic features. The town sits at 7,880' above sea level. It's no coincidence that so many top-ranked elite runners have chosen Mammoth Lakes as their home base. Training at altitude gives athletes alike a proven advantage. We are so excited to bring this camp to you. We just love this town and think you will too. So grab your sneakers and leave the rest up to us!

Day 1 - Uptown Trail to Mountain View to the Minaret Vista

Day 2 - Mammoth Rock Trail to Dragon's Back to Mammoth Summit

Day 3 - Mammoth Mountain Trails ~ Beach Cruiser & Paper Route

Day 4 - Rock Creek Trail

Please note that any day's route is subject to change due to trail closures, or inclement weather. 

Today we'll start from the Mammoth Village area at the beginning of the famous Mammoth Mountain Bike Park. We'll follow the Uptown Trail for nearly 2 miles to cross Minaret Road and hop on the Mountain View Trail ~ home of the incredible geologic fissure known as the Earthquake Fault. Top off and grab a gel before your climb up to the Minaret Vista @ 9,265'. If your legs and lungs can't take the thin air, you can hop in our van and return to the Inn with 7.5 miles under you. Otherwise, finish your run on the Minaret Vista Trail and we'll meet you at the Inn. Don't worry, we'll have a cold beer waiting for you!

Mammoth Mountain Camp Itinerary

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.  (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.  Additionally, program information is also available in languages other than English.
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USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

On our final day of Camp, we shuttle outside Mammoth to one of our favorite single tracks in Inyo National Forest ~ Rock Creek trail. This gem offers all things good about trail running. It rolls rather than climbs aggressively; it follows a flowing creek for miles under a canopy of trees, then opens up to views from within the canyon surrounded by craggy, rocky mountains. A memorable trail to wrap up our running.

All trail selections are subject to change due to inclement weather and trail closures.

Here's What's Included!

Mammoth Mountain has an awesome network of trails. So today we will explore some of the best. We will be running two loops, connecting several singletracks with the option to do one loop or both. We start each loop from our host hotel; no shuttle today. Our first loop is the "Beach Cruiser" loop, then return to the van to refuel/rehydrate and start out on our second loop ~ the "Paper Route " loop.

camp itinerary 

Plans changed? No problem. We do NOT offer refunds, however your registration fee can be transferred to any of our future camps.

9 Miles ~ 1,331' Elevation Gain 

where to stay

Few more Questions? Great~Click on our Contact Us tab and send us an email!

Rise early to eat your Wheaties, because today we run to the summit of Mammoth Mountain at 11,035'. We'll begin on the Mammoth Rock Trail before crossing Old Mammoth Road and connecting to the Dragon's Back Trail. By now your legs are warmed and ready for the epic climb to the summit of Mammoth Mountain. This 11 Mile point to point run will end at the Horseshoe Lake parking lot, but not before you take in the "Bottomless Pit" view and the Mammoth Lakes Basin. 

Part 1

dates & travel

Our Host hotel is the Mammoth Mountain Inn located at the base of the mountain at 9,000'. There are two dining options ~the Mountainside Bar & Grill or the Yodler with an awesome outdoor deck to continue your post run festivities. When you are ready to book your lodging, simply call 800-MAMMOTH (800.626.6684). We will be securing our Group booking rate in 2018. Soon as we do, we'll post it here.

11 Miles ~ 3,467' Elevation Gain

14 Miles ~ 1,145' Elevation Gain

sunday ~ Day 3 ~ Beach Cruiser and Paper Route Loops

When our day is done, we recommend visiting these nearby sites: 

​Devils Postpile National Monument

Mono Lake

​Hot Creek

Scenic Gondola Rides

Rainbow Falls

saturday ~ Day 2 ~ Mammoth Rock Trail to Dragon's Back to Mammoth Mountain

friday ~ Day 1 ~ Uptown Trail to Mountain View Trail to Minaret Summit

Trail Running Escapes operates under permit on Inyo National Forest

4 Days ~ 50 Miles ~ 8,000' Elevation gain ~ $595

Part 2

2021 TBD

Mammoth Mountain /Sierra Nevadas Trail Running Camp

We require a 10 runner minimum to host this camp. Please email us if you would like to bring a group.